Set up for Property Managers - I want to efficiently organize my teams and/or service providers

A step-by-step guide on how to set up your Doinn account

Last Updated: May 22nd, 2024

Applies to: Only software paid users - property managers/owners


You have subscribed to Doinn software to improve your daily operations, be more efficient, and control the workload and your team / external service providers.
Please check the following to-do list, to be able to get the maximum out of Doinn.

  1. Add properties
  2. Add reservations
  3. Invite members
  4. Create catalogues
  5. Create checklists
  6. Schedule services - create automations
  7. Manage services
  8. Get teams install and start using Operations app
  9. Monitor & Forecast business insights 

1. Add properties

To be able to create and manage services first you have to add all properties needed.
Your properties are stored in the Properties tab.

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There are 3 ways to add properties:

  • Integration with your PMS 

If you use the Property Management System to manage properties and reservations please go to the Integration tab and select the one you use.

Doinn has direct integration with over twenty PMSs like Avantio, Icnea, Rentals United, Smoobu, Guesty, BookingSinc, Vreasy, Tokeet, Hostaway, etc. The moment integration is complete properties will be added to Doinn.

  • Excel import

If you manage many properties without using any PMSs, we recommend you add properties by filling in the Excel provided. Besides creating the properties you will also be able to add an iCal link to integrate the calendars.

    • Manual Creation

    Through our easy-to-use interface, you can quickly create a new property manually.

    Find out more in the article Create properties.


    2. Add reservation

    To generate services automatically Doinn needs to have information on all reservations in your properties. There are 3 options to receive reservations in Doinn:

    • Automatically via PMS integrations - please check the following information. If there is no direct PMS integration, you can fetch reservations via iCal integration.
    • Automatically via iCal Sync integrations - please check the following information.
    • Manually created in the Reservation section

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    For each reservation, Doinn can automatically create multiple service requests (see point 6. Schedule services - create automations)

    Find out more in the article Reservation - Menu


    3. Invite members

    To be able to assign services to your employees or your external service providers you need to register them in Doinn. It is possible to add coworkers, assign a role, create teams, and invite external service providers.

    Internal team roles include account owner, admin, manager, operation representative, coordinator supervisor, or service worker. Depending on the role, members will be able to access and manage different information.

    Please check the following article about roles.

    External service providers will have their own profile in Doinn, free of charge, and will receive only services you assign them. Please share with them the following article about the set up.

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    In the menu Staff / Members is possible to do the following actions:

    1. Add a member
    2. Delete a member
    3. Search a member
    4. Create a team

    4. Create catalogues 

    Catalogues in Doinn are similar to quotations or price lists. It's where you define a service with a price and a duration you want.

    When you create a catalogue you can define:

    • Services name and description;
    • Service price (optional) - Doinn allows complex,  fixed, and flexible pricing;
    • Service durations (optional);
    • Service locations (optional) - You can select only one country and you can limit the service to one or many cities. If none, the service can be located anywhere in the country selected 

    Catalogues can be created based on templates provided by Doinn or you can create your personalized catalogue. 

    How to create a catalogue

    1. Create a new personalized catalogue
      1. Price type options for services

    2.    Create a catalogue from Templates


    5. Create Checklists 

    Add checklists to make sure that all your instructions are followed.

    In case you want a team to follow a certain list of actions or revise the work at the end of the service you can create a checklist and add it to a service or Automation so the person assigned to a service can see it while executing it.

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    Once you are in the checklist tab, you can easily create new checklists or copy one from the Templates section and personalise it.

    You will be able to:

    • create multiple checklists
    • edit checklists
    • delete checklists

    You can assign your checklists to your automation and simplify your daily workflow (see point 6 Schedule services - create automations).

    Find out more about checklists in the article Checklists - Menu

    6. Schedule services - create automations

    Automations in Doinn make your daily workflow much easier since they will generate services automatically.
    Automate all scheduling based in the Doinn 5 elements (where, when, what, who, how) using Catalogues your service provider has shared with you.

    When you create an Automation you can:

    • Define Automation name and description;
    • Choose who to assign to a service;
    • Choose when to schedule it;
    • Select the catalogue upon which the service will be generated;
    • Apply a checklist to follow;
    • Select properties for which the service will be generated. 

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    Find out more in the following article Create automation - Automate all scheduling

    7. Manage services

    In the services menu, you can view services coming from the property manager /owner who invited you. Services are created using Catalogues you have previously shared with them. There are two different views - you can switch between List View and Dispatch View as shown in the image below:

    1. Manage Services while navigating in the Service List 
    2. Dispatch Services while navigating in the Services Dispatch view
    3. Manage Services inside Service Details (by clicking in each Service)
    4. Property and services status view

    8. Get teams to install and start using the Operations app

    Now that your team has accepted your invitation, each member can access Doinn with their credentials and view daily tasks.

    Depending on the role, members will be able to access and manage different information.

    Please check the following article about roles.

    Check our article Install the mobile app to download Doinn Operations Center!

    9. Monitor & Forecast business insights

    Insights are relevant information and indicators prepared by Doinn to help you learn about your business and become more efficient.

    There are different parts of your work that you will have the chance to analyze and control, like Operational, Financial, Performance, Logistic, and Quality.

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    To use these powerful tools your workers must be using the Start and Stop function! We suggest that your staff does the start/stop directly in the Doinn Operations App when executing the service, however in a desktop it is also possible to start and stop the services

    Check our article Insights - Menu to find out more about the powerful tools of the insights tab!