Doinn Calendar Sync (iCal) Integrations

How to setup iCal integrations to import all bookings into Doinn

Last UpdatedApril 24, 2023

Applies to: All registered users

Calendar Sync (iCal) integration is a simple way to bring all property bookings into Doinn. 

There are two ways to import reservations from iCals in Doinn 

1. Import iCal reservations in bulk (for many properties at once)

2. Import iCal reservations manually (for one property)


1. Import iCal reservations in bulk (for many properties in bulk)

If you work with a lot of properties and you do not work with any PMS, we recommend you follow this method. Besides creating the properties you will also be able to add an iCal-link to integrate the calendars.

Screenshot 2024-06-16 alle 14.34.40

Select New Property and Bulk import then Download the template from the pop up window. An excel file is ready to be filled with all the information (very important the iCal field) and upload to Doinn.

Screenshot 2024-06-16 alle 14.36.37

The system will process your file and validating it if it's all good. Screenshot 2024-06-16 alle 14.33.34

Properties will be added and visible in your Properties tab.

The iCal link field is where you must put the reservation link from your distributor/OTA (Airbnb, Booking, etc) or from your Channel Manager.
This allows you to export and sync calendars from other platforms.

Example of where to extract the iCal from Airbnb  

Example of where to extract the iCal from VRBO

Example of where to extract the iCal from


2. Import iCal reservations manually (for one property)


Screenshot 2024-06-16 alle 14.41.07

Select New Property and One property than fill all the information (very important the iCal field).

The new Property will be added and visible in your Properties tab.


The iCal link field is where you must put the reservation link from your distributor/OTA (Airbnb, Booking, etc) or from your Channel Manager.
This allows you to export and sync calendars from other platforms.

Example of where to extract the iCal from Airbnb  

Example of where to extract the iCal from VRBO

Example of where to extract the iCal from