Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! If you got here is because you have a Doinner spirit and you also concern about giving your guests the best experience possible at your rental. And that's exactly what we are Doinn for you 😁
Last Updated: April 24 2023
Applies to: All registered users
To better help your company we suggest an initial discovery demo with our Doinn reps. This will allow us understand better your needs. During the onboarding in our platform you will be able to schedule a meeting for that purpose.
The setup in Doinn platform is super easy and has following steps:
- Integrate your PMS/Channel Manager or iCal
- Add properties
- Add reservations or recurrent dates
- Create first Automation to automate scheduling or Create Manual service
- Add your team by inviting people
- Get teams install and start using Operations app
- Billing
- Invoicing
1. Integrate your PMS/Channel Manager or iCal
Check Doinn Integration tab and Integration center in order to see if the PMS you are using is integrated in Dionn platform:
If you work with Avantio, Icnea, Rentals United, Smoobu, Guesty, BookingSinc, Vreasy, Tokeet or Hostaway you can load the properties in 2 minutes
Check the article Create Properties and look for Integration with your PMS.
Integration with your PMS it's not the only way! An iCal will be enough to have your reservations updated. Whether you do bulk or manual uploading of your properties (see point 2) don't forget to include the iCal Link!
The iCal link field is where you must put the reservation link from your distributor/OTA (Airbnb, Booking, etc) or from your Channel Manager.
This allows you to export and sync calendars from other platforms.
Example of where to extract the iCal from Airbnb
2. Add properties
You can add properties via PMS integrations, upload list via excel or add manually
- Integration with your PMS
Click your Property Management System in order to see how you can upload your properties to the Dionn platform:
If you work with Avantio, Icnea, Rentals United, Smoobu, Guesty, BookingSinc, Vreasy, Tokeet or Hostaway you can load the properties in 2 minutes.
- Excel import
If you work with a lot of properties and you do not work with any of these PMS’, we recommend you follow this method. Besides creating the properties you will also be able to add an iCal-link to integrate the calendars
- Manual Creation
Through our easy to use interface, you can quickly create a new property manually
Find out more in the article Create properties
3. Add reservations or recurrent dates
Once your properties are set and the iCal places (in case your PMS is not integrated) all your reservation will be displayed in Reservation tab.
You can also add reservations manually by selecting "Manage reservation/Add reservation".
For each reservation Doinn can automatically create a service request. This can be set based on the reservation - eg. at checkout - or based on a specific recurrence - eg. every Monday at 15.00 - (see point 4 Create first automation).
See all the possible actions in the article Reservation - Menu
4. Create first Automation to automate scheduling or Create Manual service
Automate all scheduling based in the Doinn 5 elements (where, when, what, who, how).
- Automatization
For each reservation Doinn can automatically create a service request. This can be set based on the reservation - eg. at checkout - or based on a specific recurrence - eg. every Monday at 15.00
Follow these steps to set your first automation:
a. Go to Automation tab
b. Select "Automation center" from Automation tab
c. Select the type of service offered you want to automatize
e. Choose a name
f. Select the supplier and the catalogue you wish to be automatically scheduled for the properties selected
h. Select the properties for your automation
i. Select optional service (such as linen in case of Laundry) and quantity
y. Choose the scheduling (it can be based on reservation or you can choose to set a recurrence
j. Save it and see your new automation in "My automation" tab
- Create a service manually

Follow these steps:
a. Go to Services tab
b. Select "New servicer"
c. Select the category of the service (cleaning, gardening..)
e. Select the Service Provider that executed the service
f. Select the catalogues to define what type of service it is
g. Add a checklist (optional) which should be associated to the service
h. Select the properties where the service should be executed (can be one or more)
i. Add Services Extras in case you want to add optional items to your service
j. Schedule the service for the date and hour of the service
Find out more in the article Services Menu - Services List View
5. Add your team by inviting people
Add internal teams to co-operate more efficiently.
Follow these steps:
a. Go to People tab
b. Select "Add a member" from Member tab
c. Define the role of the member and fill the contact information
d. Send the invitation
e. Once the invitation is accepted check among your members
d. Select the new member and complete all the personal information needed
e. From tab Team, select "Add a team" and choose the members you want to group as team
Check our article People - Menu to learn how to set efficiently the People Tab
6. Get teams install and start using Operations app
Now that your team has been invited and has accepted the invitation, each member can access to Doinn with its own account and according to their role permissions.
To fully use all the powerful tools of Doinn don't forget to download the app Doinn Operations Center from your market.
Check our article Install mobile app to download Doinn Operations Center!
By using the Doinn Operations Center app, your team members can:
a. See all the services scheduled and edit the one that are not confirmed yet*
b. Add manual services
c. Add a note
d. Check among all the services done
e. See the reports
f. All the available actions according to the role.
*In case the service is already confirmed, a confirmation request is generated.
The service will stay pending without the acceptance of service provider. In case service keeps pending state, please make sure you update them to accept this change.
7. Billing
From your profile menu, select Subscriptions and Billing to fill all your informations:
- Billing information
Fill the information and choose how to receive your invoice:
- General: all the invoices billed following the General informations
- Groups: group the billing informations for a group of specific property
- Payments method
Fill the information and choose how to pay for the executive services
To have an overview of what you are paying for the executed services, you can check the tab Report, select Purchase and see the details
Check out Reports - Menu for more information!
8. Invoicing
Receive your invoices directly in Doinn!
Access to the Invoice tab to manage your invoices.
In this tab you can find the monthly invoices received from your providers.
Use the filters to check all the invoices during the time, included the ones with credit notes:
a. Check the billing information
b. See the status of your invoice.
c. If available Export or download pdf by clicking on Actions menu.
Find out more in our article Invoices - Menu