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Properties - Menu

Properties - Menu

Last Updated: June 16, 2024

Applies to: All registered users


Screenshot 2024-06-16 alle 15.36.44

In the properties menu you will be able to do the following actions:

  1. Create and configure properties
  2. Property list
    1. Filter
    2. Manage properties
  3. Property details  
  4. Delete property 

2.  Property list

From the Property tab we can see all the properties added.

  • Filter

By selecting Filters you can easily navigate through your properties

Screenshot 2024-06-16 alle 15.36.44-1

You can choose per city, per property tipe, source, client, number of rooms...

  • Manage properties

From these Menu we can do multiple actions.

Screenshot 2024-06-16 alle 15.36.44-2

a. add one property manually by filling all the informations, and don't forget the Ical to let Doinn synchronize with your reservations.
b. add properties in bulk. If you work with a lot of properties and you do not work with any of these PMS’, we recommend you follow this method. 
c. update instructions. By clicking Update instructions, we can update all the important instruction at once by using an excel file.
d. Sync all properties

3.  Property Details

Select a property from your list to see the details

Screenshot 2024-06-16 alle 15.39.29

  • Property info

From this tab we can see all the information such the number of beds, the address and we can also add billing specs.

  • Instructions

From this tab you can add all the information and specific requirements of the property.Screenshot 2023-04-17 alle 13.59.38

  • People

From this tab you can see the members or teams responsible for the services of this property

Screenshot 2023-04-17 alle 13.59.45

  • Automations

From this tab you can see if the property belongs to an automations and which one

Screenshot 2023-04-17 alle 14.00.27


  • Services

From this tab you can see all the services done and scheduled (you can navigate with filters)

Screenshot 2023-04-17 alle 14.00.38

4.  Delete property

You can delete the properties that have been manually created.
For any issue, please contact us!