Seller Onboarding - Add cities with operations

Add cities with operations, services per city and prices.

Last Updated: April 26 2023

Applies to: Only registered users

Welcome to Doinn!
This is a guide on how to proceed with the seller onboarding.

Screenshot 2023-04-26 alle 16.56.55

After the registration process is completed, you will have access to the dashboard.
Check the message on the side popup window and select "Go to Seller onboarding".

You will be taken to the Seller onboarding process:

  • Select your country

  • Enter the name of the city/cities where you provide services.
    It can be more than one!

  • Select what type of property you can perform your services for

Screenshot 2023-04-26 alle 14.16.29

  • Select what type of service you can perform your for each type of property

Screenshot 2023-04-26 alle 14.16.51

  • Select the services you can offer according to the city you serve

Screenshot 2023-04-26 alle 14.17.26

  • Fill the prices for each type of service

Screenshot 2023-04-26 alle 14.18.59

  • Provide documents or follow the registration to Stripe

How to provide your documents depends on your country. With Stripe you will complete this part directly in the Stripe registration process. Read this article about Stripe to find out more

  • Start selling!

After you complete this setup, a Doinn rep will get in contact with you and we will start looking for customers and work as your sales team