Account Settings

Account Settings

Last UpdatedMay 29 2023

Applies to: All registered users


When selecting the menu on the top right, select Profile. 

Let's see what we can do here:

  1. Personal Data
  2. Business Data
  3. Other Preferences
  4. Chat Preferences
  5. E-mail Notifications
  6. Documents
  7. Password

1. Personal Data 

Fill with your information or edit it when needed

Screenshot 2023-05-29 alle 12.26.23

2.  Business Data

Fill with your business information or edit it when needed.

Screenshot 2023-05-29 alle 12.26.31

Don't forget to add a Support phone number! This will be shared with your providers/clients

3. Other Preferences

Adjust few settings such as the language, the date format and the automatic confirmation in Doinn. By clicking "Edit", you can always change the settings

4. Chat Preferences

You can choose the language to use in the chat and the system will translate it automatically.

Each member can access to its personal Doinn account and change it, in order to easily communicate and avoid language issues.

5. Email notification

With Doinn Operation Center App all the notifications will be received directly on your phone. But you can always decide to receive a notification via email.

It's very simple:

  • select edit

  • fill with your dedicated email and save

6. Documents

According to your country of operations, you can be asked to upload your business documents.

You can check them any time by selecting "view document"

7. Password

From this section, you can change your current password by clicking "edit".

To do so, you will be asked to insert the current password first.

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