I need an invoice per service to request guests' security deposit

The PRO service costs more due to the bad use of the guest and you need to justify the use of a security deposit

Last UpdatedFebruary 07, 2024

Applies to: Property managers,  property owners - PRO service buyers


If there is a need to issue an invoice for a specific service for the purpose of Airbnb or Booking complaints, you should request it from Doinn directly (finance@doinn.co), providing the order ID number (6+6 digits) of the service.

You can find the full ID in the Reports tab.

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These services will be invoiced again in the normal billing process but will be immediately credited.

Invoices will be issued according to the profile's payment status.

a. If it's Pre-payment:

  • For each payment made.
  • On the last day of each month.

b. If it's Post-payment:

  • At the beginning of the month following the month of the services provided

Invoices will be issued by Doinn If you are a prepayment user or post-payment user in PT and Continental ES

Invoices will be issued directly by the Seller/Vendor if you are a post-payment user outside of PT or Continental ES (Stripe user)

To find out more, check our Financial Best Practices Guide