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Providers - Menu

How to navigate in the Providers section

Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Applies to: All registered users


This is the section where to find the providers working with you if you are outsourcing services or if you are using the software.

If you are providing services you won't see any entry, since you are the provider.

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Let's see what are the possible actions here:

1. Invite providers

2. Check information

3. Permission and collaboration

1. Invite providers

If you're outsourcing services, you can find your matching provider among Doinn's providers and buy services, but you can also invite you own provider.

You can do the same invitations even if you are a provider or if you are using the software.

a. Select invite providers

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b. Insert the Email (one or more) to send your invitation

Screenshot 2024-05-13 alle 21.03.06

An invitation email il sent with a link. By following it, your provider will go through a registration process.

Screenshot 2024-05-13 alle 21.15.13

The invitation will stay pending till it's acceptance.

To see the status of the invitation sent, check in the Invitation section.

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2. Check information

By clicking on your provider, you will access to the Providers details.

  • Profile
    Informations about the provider (see picture below)
  • Services
    All the services done and scheduled
  • Catalogues
    All the catalogues shared

Profile: here is where to see all the information about your provider.

Screenshot 2024-05-13 alle 21.28.15

3. Permission 

At the bottom of the provider Profile, we see the section Permission.
Depending on how the collaboration is set with your provider, this information can be displayed in different ways.

a. No permission

Screenshot 2024-05-13 alle 21.46.14

This status means that the Provider doesn't have the permission and ability to create services, properties, automation, and checklists in your account.

b. Permission is active

Screenshot 2024-05-13 alle 22.02.11

This status means that the Provider has permission to create services, properties, automation, and checklists within the account.

3.1 Give permission

  • Select Give permission

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  • Click Give permission
    Screenshot 2024-05-13 alle 22.05.39

3.2 Remove permission

  • Select Remove permission

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  • Save Removal
    Screenshot 2024-05-13 alle 22.09.57