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Catalogues - Menu

Catalogues - Menu

Last Updated: April 12 2023

Applies to: Only registered users with roles: owner, admin, coordinator (to create catalog) and only registered users with roles: owner, admin, manager (to share catalog)


In the Catalogues menu you can do the following actions:

  1. Create Catalogues - Definition of services, prices, duration and locations
  2. Share catalogues with customers
  3. My Catalogues list   
  4. My Catalogues actions  
  5. Catalogues Details
  6. Catalogues Shared with me 
  7. Templates

2. Share catalogues with customers

Once your catalog is created you can easily share it with your customers.
It's very simple, you have 3 ways to do it:

1) from the catalogues list by choosing share with customers from the actions menu of the interested catalogue


2) Selecting the Catalogue we want to share and click Share this catalogue from the Customer tab.

Please note that this is possible when no client is associated. If this catalogue is already shared with a Client, please follow point 1 and 3

Screenshot 2023-04-12 alle 14.55.55


3) Selecting the Catalogue we want to share and click Share with customer from the Action button on the top right.


Choose the process that suits you best and then select the client you want to share the catalogue with! An invitation will be sent.

3. My Catalogues list  


To check your catalogues list, just select the Catalogues tab and navigate though it.

4. My Catalogues actions 


We have already seen some available actions, but let's go check them all deeper.

You can also access to the Actions also from inside each catalogue, as seen in point 3 of previous section

  • Rename
    Easily change the name of an existing catalogue


  • Make a copy
    Make a copy of an existing template. You can change the name.

Screenshot 2023-04-12 alle 15.28.58


  • Download prices
    This actions allows you to download an excel file with all the information


  • Delete
    Delete an existing template but not shared with any Customer

Screenshot 2023-04-12 alle 15.30.44

You can not delete a catalogue shared with a Customer since it's in use. 

You need to enter the catalogue, go to the Customer section and select Unshare.

    5. Catalogues Details   


    In this section we will go through all the parts of a catalogue:


    • Description
      Personalize your catalogue with a description


    • Services
      Fill all your prices. 
      When setting a price per hour, the system is automatically generating a value according to the time set. But you can change both time and value if needed, it's fully personlized!

    You can also remove not needed items and add new ones:


    • Customers
      In this tab you can see the Customer associated to your catalogue and invite new ones to join it.

    Screenshot 2023-04-12 alle 15.49.30


    • Settings
      In this tab you can see all the information about your business
    Screenshot 2023-04-12 alle 15.49.57

      6. Catalogues Shared with me

      In the Catalogue tab you can access to the catalogues there are shared with you by clicking Shared with me.

      Screenshot 2023-04-24 alle 13.52.04

      Select a catalog and navigate though it

      • Services
        Find all the prices shared with you.

      • Properties
        Check all your properties assigned to the selected catalogue

      • Settings
        Find further information, such as the notice period and the business hours of your provider

      7. Templates


      Last section is dedicated to the Templates. Doinn has already created few templates to be copied and to create your own catalogue.

      Screenshot 2023-04-12 alle 16.19.56

      NOTE: If you need a service type that is not in the current template list of catalogs, please let your Doinn Rep know, we will be happy to analyze and add that template to you. eg. at the moment Doinn still does not have a catalog for snow removal