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How to create initial services if there is no property created in PMS?

Create a temporary property manually while it get set in the PMS

Last UpdatedJanuary 10 2024

Applies to: All registered users

Sometimes it takes time to create a property in your PMS, but but there are various jobs that need to be done.

While the property gets set in the PMS, the best way to automate services it to create the property manually and start generating services.

Create a property manually

From the Properties Tab select New property. Select One property from the drop down menu

You can add the ICal or you can create services manually.

If you add the ICal, then what we suggest is to add it to an automation. In this way you won't need to add services manually.

When the property in the PMS is set, don't forget to remove it from the automation! You can always keep the property created it for future needs and change it accordingly.