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How to configure my staff attendance details including holidays, days off, paid leave, unpaid leave and sick leave

Learn how to configure employee vacations, holidays, or sick leave by editing their work calendar. Reassign services if needed and ensure no assignments are made during scheduled time off.

To configure vacation days, holidays, or sick leave for your employees, follow these detailed steps:

  1. Access the Employee Section

    • Navigate to the Employees section in your management system and select Members.
    • Within this section, you can choose the employee you want to work with.

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  2. View the Employee's Work Calendar

    • Once you select an employee, you'll access their profile. In their profile, find the option Work Schedule.
    • Here, you'll see a calendar with all the days of the month. Days where the employee already has assigned services will be marked in blue with a red dot.

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  3. Edit Vacation, Holiday, or Sick Days

    • To mark a day as a vacation, holiday, or sick day, click the Edit button in the employee’s calendar.
    • A list will appear with the different types of days you can assign, such as "vacation," "sick leave," or "holiday."
    • Select the appropriate type of day and mark the specific days on the calendar. Once you've selected the days, save your changes.
  4. Restrictions on Days with Assigned Services

    • If you attempt to mark a day as a vacation or holiday for an employee who already has services scheduled, the system will display a message: "You cannot assign this day as a holiday for the employee because services are already assigned."
    • The system will provide a button to view the services associated with that day in a new tab. You will need to reassign those services to another employee.

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  5. Reassigning Services

    • Once you’ve reassigned the services to another employee, you can return to the calendar and mark the day as a holiday or sick leave.
    • The system will allow the modification once the employee has no services scheduled on that day.

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  6. Automations and Service Assignment Restrictions

    • If there are active automations trying to assign services to an employee on days marked as vacation or sick leave, the system will prevent those services from being assigned.
    • For example, if you have automation set for the next three months and there is a vacation day scheduled for the employee within that period, that service will remain unassigned automatically. You’ll need to manually reassign it.

This process allows you to efficiently manage your employees' time off, ensuring they are not assigned services during these periods.