Send quotations to your customers

How to share your catalogues

Last UpdatedJanuary 30, 2024

Applies to: All registered users 


Sharing catalogues with your Customer is very easy.
here are 3 ways to do this:

1) from the catalogues list by choosing share with customers from the actions menu of the interested catalogue

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2) Selecting the Catalogue we want to share and click Share this catalogue from the Customer tab.

Please note that this is possible when no client is associated. If this catalogue is already shared with a Client, please follow point 1 and 3

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3) Selecting the Catalogue we want to share and click Share with customer from the Action button on the top right.

Screenshot 2024-01-30 alle 15.32.54


Choose the process that suits you best and then select the client you want to share the catalogue with!
An invitation will be sent.